Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

I want to start out by saying I'm sorry it's been so long, however I've decided that since I haven't been reading as avidly lately or watching very many new movies I would only post when I'd discovered something to post about (which is probably the most obvious way to go about it anyway). Thanks for reading
Today's post is on the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. It is a Science-Fiction novel about a futuristic time where the world is mostly in ruins and the main escape is a video-game universe called the OASIS where main character Wade Watts spends most of his time. The games creator James Halliday died five years earlier and hidden inside the game an Easter egg and whoever found said egg would receive James Halliday's fortune and control over the OASIS. The Egg is hidden behind a series of three gates and the clues to unlock these gates lie within Halliday's video will and published journal. Things begin to heat up with the hunt when Wade discovers where the first gate is hidden.
I actually really enjoyed this book. It took me a little bit to really get into it but once I did I finished it very quickly. The detail that is put into each bit of it was capturing and extremely well written. 

Websites to check out:
Ready Player One Website
Chapter One Read by Wil Wheaton


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