School Struggle

Hi guys,
I wanted to talk about something important to me today. It may seem stupid or weird or whatever but I'm still going to go for it. I struggle immensely with school. I have always hated school. In Elementary school it was because I didn't want to get up early just to sit in a class room all day. In middle school it was due to the fact that I got bullied and was too embarrassed about my appearance to actually feel good going. Now it isn't as bad. The things I struggle with now are my grades. For one I've never been good at math--ever. I've always gotten Cs in math (occasionally a D or two). When that happens it makes me feel terrible about myself--which shouldn't happen. Grades shouldn't define us but somehow they do. My dad would always shout at me for getting anything lower than a B. One time he shouted at me for getting Bs. I know he wants me to do well but the fact that he's shouting at me for it when he isn't even here gets on my nerves--I don't even share my grades with him. I barely want to share them with my mom because she's just as bad. It isn't so much the shouting and scolding that I mind but the fact that I feel like shit about it. I try as hard as I can to do well but it's hard. I am taking college classes now and that's much harder. In my math class this past semester most of the class was online (the lecture, quizzes, and Friday group work was not). I did terrible on most of the homework and all of the Tests while my quizzes and group work were all As. I knew the material but online work (especially math) screws me up. The professor had to go back through and check the tests herself anyway so why not make it a paper test (or at least make that an option--sorry environmentalists). 

I am extremely sorry about that. I started typing about school struggles and went insane about my issues with my math class. If you guys have anything you'd like to share concerning your School Struggles you are more than welcome to leave them in the comments below. :) 
Have a wonderful New Years!
<3 Jazz 


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