YouTube Channel Shout Out

Hiya Lovely Blog Readers,
I just wanted to let you all know that I will be "managing" a little YouTube Channel known as PupsCrew and I would really appreciate you checking it out. It isn't fully up and awesome yet but there is more (better) stuff to come. Right now there are three videos on it taken with the IPhone 5(Not Sponsored) camera which isn't that great. The videos are grainy and shaky. But now that I'm working on it I believe it WILL get better. It will feature dogs, maybe some awesome singing, and funny adults. Believe me I've been around them while they were working and they're hilarious. All we need to do is set up a camera in their salon and it will be great. I will be handling the editing (hopefully I'll be getting better software at some point), posting, and social networking. I'm very excited for this and definitely would love for you to check it out. 
Also if you would like to see me make a YouTube channel with actual videos doing basically this let me know. I've been considering it for a while but I'm just not sure. Going through this whole process with the PupsCrew channel is causing me to think this whole thing through. 
Thanks for reading! 


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