Furry Friend Tag

What is your pet's name?
What kind of pet and what breed?
Dog. Chihuahua/Pomeranian
How long have you had your pet?
Almost 3 years
How old is your pet?
Almost 3 years
What are some quirky personality traits about your pet?
She always tries to chew on my pencil or pen when I'm writing with it.
What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
It means a lot to me. I love her.
What are some of your favorite pass times with your pet?
She sleeps while I watch YouTube videos
What are nicknames that you call your pet?
Bug, Miss Me's (said as it looks, don't know where I got it from or if that's even how you'd spell that). She is also known as squirrel or honey badger to my mom.
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