Sims Stuff

Okay so I figured I'd lighten up the blog (until next week) with some Sims 4 screenshots. I've started a new game and family on it. 


Malakai (Yes an Alien)
(I forgot to take a picture of the other guy, his name is Dave)

Upstairs. Bedrooms. I got lazy.

Art room. Malakai is an artist

The start to Poppy's garden

Breakfast courtesy of Scarlett (eggs and toast) 

BABIES! I don't remember their names....
(Left: Poppy/dave,Girl)(Right: Malakai/Scarlett,Girl)

Poppy doing yoga

Dinner. Fish (I think). Thanks Scar


KIDS! And parents in the back. (I suppose you can guess which ones are from which)

Garden Progression

Post-homework Space Games


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