What's Going On These Days?
Hello people of the Web,
How's it going?
So, since I've been pretty AWOL lately I thought I should pop back on and let you know what's been going on in my life lately.
1. I got a job.
My first job, actually. Working in retail...cue less than enthusiastic "yay". While getting paid is pretty cool I am not a huge fan of the cashier scene in a sort of big Walmart-like store, where I know where almost nothing is and I seriously don't understand the rewards system...like at all. The good thing about this job, though, (other than the money) is that I work with some really nice people who I think like me. Two of the people I work with are also in my school and grade, which makes asking for help a bit easier (though I am seriously afraid that at some point the other's around me will get really annoyed with my constant need of help). Being a cashier is not fun. The logistics? I've mostly got the hang of that, but the people? not so much. Of course our systems are kind of shitty so they're slow and mess up almost constantly. It also doesn't help that some of the sale prices and things don't ring up right.
Overall? It's tiring, hard, but I'm determined to see it through at least until I can start working at a smaller bookstore. (I can't even apply for a couple more months).
It's really not that bad. Saturdays suck but mostly it's pretty calm.
2. I got Lady Midnight!
I am so so so excited! I have been waiting so long for this gorgeous book! I love it. I got a first edition in the mail this past week and I couldn't stop looking at it (I didn't actually start reading it until the next day as I had to work that night and didn't want to get too into it and then not stop and...well you get it). I haven't finished it yet as I have been trying to pace myself and make it last a little longer. It's very hard not to just read the whole thing at once though. I am extremely proud of my self-control so far.
3. I'm considering getting a tattoo

How's it going?
So, since I've been pretty AWOL lately I thought I should pop back on and let you know what's been going on in my life lately.
1. I got a job.
My first job, actually. Working in retail...cue less than enthusiastic "yay". While getting paid is pretty cool I am not a huge fan of the cashier scene in a sort of big Walmart-like store, where I know where almost nothing is and I seriously don't understand the rewards system...like at all. The good thing about this job, though, (other than the money) is that I work with some really nice people who I think like me. Two of the people I work with are also in my school and grade, which makes asking for help a bit easier (though I am seriously afraid that at some point the other's around me will get really annoyed with my constant need of help). Being a cashier is not fun. The logistics? I've mostly got the hang of that, but the people? not so much. Of course our systems are kind of shitty so they're slow and mess up almost constantly. It also doesn't help that some of the sale prices and things don't ring up right.
Overall? It's tiring, hard, but I'm determined to see it through at least until I can start working at a smaller bookstore. (I can't even apply for a couple more months).
It's really not that bad. Saturdays suck but mostly it's pretty calm.
2. I got Lady Midnight!
I am so so so excited! I have been waiting so long for this gorgeous book! I love it. I got a first edition in the mail this past week and I couldn't stop looking at it (I didn't actually start reading it until the next day as I had to work that night and didn't want to get too into it and then not stop and...well you get it). I haven't finished it yet as I have been trying to pace myself and make it last a little longer. It's very hard not to just read the whole thing at once though. I am extremely proud of my self-control so far.
3. I'm considering getting a tattoo
Okay, I've known I want at least one tattoo for a really long time, I just haven't known what I was going to get. So I've thought up this idea. The reason there is a ; in place of the i is because of the Semicolon Project which I think is pretty great and I chose the word "write" because that's what I need to remind myself to do. I am a writer at heart and I have always been one. Lately I've been forgetting that. I feel like this is perfect for me.
For the record this picture is of my wrist, I used printable temporary tattoo paper that I ordered off amazon to test out my idea.
4. I got new lipsticks
I literally got these today and I'm kind of excited about this because I've been (low-key) looking all over the place for these particular ones and haven't been able to find them until accidentally today. It's not that big of a deal but I'm excited. Kate Moss Rimmel London lipstick in 01 and 32
5. I ordered a ton of stuff(kind of)
So what did I do with my first paycheck? Put it in savings like a sensible human being? HA no way! (I did try but I need a parent or guardian either at the bank or on the phone and 1. the bank is never open at sensible times for working humans & 2. I am way to lazy to sit on the phone for 20 minutes waiting on someone to answer. I'll try again next time.
Anyway, with my first paycheck I actually bought
1. Tickets to see Dan and Phil on tour (fangirl screeching)(I actually only paid for half, my mom paid for the other half, thanks mom)
2. Lady Midnight at the last minute
3. About 7(?) other books (I'll probably make a haul video once I get all of them in).
4. A new phone case (a fancy wallet one so I didn't have to bring my big ass non pocket fitting one to work in the evenings)
5. Printable tattoo sheets
6. Make-up (including the lipsticks above, primer, eyeshadows, brow gel, eye liner, and maybe something else??? I can't remember)
7. Some other stuff I can't remember at this exact moment.
So yeah, that's what I've been up to lately. There are probably a couple other things I can't remember at the moment but you get the gist. I was supposed to film a video this week (as I've been on Spring break) but I was extremely lazy and procrastinated so long that I ran out of time.
Thanks for reading, a new video will (hopefully) be filmed this week as I've been sitting on a book review idea for a while. I am hoping to film this Thursday as I have it off from both work and school.
Bye guys!
Check out my last video here
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